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This page is about the dissemination of the #Co-think project. It is a collection of blogs, tweets, pictures and other contribute from the five participating countries.

Last year The Municipality of Norrköping was awarded with the Erasmus+ Actor Award for its successful work with European exchanges in the field of education, and the #co-think project highly contributing to this recognition. Besides the honor, the price consisted of a whole-day conference about school development through internationalization, that took place on place on September 12, gathering 150 teachers, school leaders, strategist, politicians, researchers and educational developments from all over the country. The #co-think project was communicated by the pilot school Ektorpsringen both on stage and in the exhibition area during the entire day recieving a lot of positive feedback!

Hanne and Vibeke at a presentation about the learnathon

Maike en Marjolijn during a presentation about coding and internationalisation
Swedish Media about the first Learnathon
(click on the link to read the article)

The Dutch Team at a presentation about
the #Co-think project

Strib Skole went to a national conference, “Technology Leaps in Schools”, where they had a stand and told about our Co-think project.

Project dissemination at London CLC

Regional International Network meeting in Linköping Sweden

Dissemination at the transnational contact seminar on Early Childhood Education and Care in Stockholm, December 2019, arranged by the Swedish NA

Per and Christian present the project to a group of politicians at the City Hall in November 2019.

Local ceremony at the Norrköping City Hall where transnational project in the municipality were awarded and highlighted ( November 2019)

Project dissemination at Lucas Onderwijs

Dissemination of the #co-think project at the TATE-exchange day

Local dissemination with Danish politicians at Strib Skole, Middelfart ( March 2020)
TATE Exchange

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